So you’ll be respectfully ignored.” 13) Gemini memes for procrastinators. “Gemini: Even when they really don’t like you, they still believe everyone deserves to be treated with respect. “Gemini: Either getting too attached or ghosting them.” 12) Geeking out! Wow…Laughing when they shouldn’t. “Gemini is the CEO of making jokes to cover their feelings, talking too much, and hating and loving a person at the same time.” 10) The many sides of Gemini memes… “When you can feel yourself being annoying but you can’t stop.

“Gemini being sorry but not sorry: I’m sorry that you got offended by my jokes because you have no humor.” 8) “Gemini be like…Oh…They don’t like me? I don’t care.” 7) Gemini memes that don’t offend… They never fully trust anyone and are always looking for the bad before they can see the good.” 6) “Gemini: People always miss you when you look good or you’re doing good.” 5) See the good in Gemini memes. “After not paying attention to the whole conversation. She is always a Gemini.” Purchase this print on Etsy. Smart, caring, and expressive, you will know when you encounter this sign as it will be divine like the beauty of a blue sky. “Being a Gemini is having a therapist describe you as a ‘complicated person’.” 2) We scoured the interwebs for some of the finest funny memes about this zodiac sign to see which ones have your favorite qualities! I hope you enjoy them! 1) Let the funny Gemini zodiac memes begin! These personality traits are also what makes them the perfect meme stars on Winkgo! If you’re a Gemini or know one, these memes will surely make you laugh out loud! When it comes to the Zodiac world, people born under the Gemini sign are well-known for being charming and witty people who love to talk and socialize.