Visual Paradigm is under no obligation to extend any academic license to longer period of time. The academic license starts effective from the date a subscription is approved by Visual Paradigm. The recipient agrees to use Visual Paradigm Online solely for non-commercial classroom teaching and shall not distribute or transfer it to another location or to any other person without prior written permission from Visual Paradigm. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, promptly stop using the academic license. By accepting, receiving, and using Visual Paradigm Online, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. This is a legal agreement between you, the recipient, and Visual Paradigm. The license expires as soon as you are no longer a member of this institution. Terms and Conditions This license applies to you, the recipient, only if you are a member of a non-commercial and academic institution, e.g., a university.

Visual Paradigm grants the recipient a non-transferable license to use Visual Paradigm Online furnished hereunder, upon the terms and conditions set out below. This license for Visual Paradigm Online is designed to guarantee freedom to use Visual Paradigm Online for academic purposes. View and play PowerPoint presentations online.